Friday, February 4, 2011

Kids Should Play In More Dirt and Mud

Yes, kids should play in more dirt and mud. Hell, my mom ate dirt and mud as a girl, and she wasn't the only one by a long shot. (I won't even mention the other disgusting things kids eat. You know what I'm talkin about!)

A recent study shows that children "exposed to lots of germs early in life are less likely to develop allergies, asthma or autoimmune disorders as they grow up."

Surprise, surprise!

I've thought for a while that we as a society (in the U.S. anyway) are over protective of our children, all the way from using anti-bacterial soap, to helmets for everything, to keeping them away from activities where they might get hurt or dirty.

Anyway, I'm glad someone is doing these kinds of studies.


1 comment:

  1. Hell yeah. I've always thought that if you're just exposed to shit that you'd develop immunities.

    It's led me to develop some dirty habits that I will not go in to... lol.

    -John Forsyth
